Irish Spring Bar Soap

Hello ShopaHAULics, Tiffany here and if you have followed me for a long time you will know that I have sensitive skin so soap can actually make me break out. I have found very few bar soaps do so.

Packaging: easy to open cardboard and the bar is a good shape so I don’t feel like it is going to slip through my fingers.

Durability: This product lasts about a month and a half, I think for me, and it has such a nice smell that it makes you feel clean.

Pigmentation: This bar is green but you won’t turn green! I love the smell of mint (I believe) that comes from this bar soap, definitely one of the best!

Budget: Usually bought at Sam’s or Costco in bulk so I don’t know how much it is in store…but…a quick search on Walmart says an 8ct is approximately $8.